Whilst I was down there I thought I would do some useful things so the asparagus bed is fully weeded and so are the measly 9 carrots under the fleece tunnel, with conditions like that I was hoping for a carrot glut.
The strawberry sweetcorn is now planted out and growing well. This is an ornamental variety which produces red husks shaped like giant strawberries, you dry them on the plant and then use them for popcorn which sounds fun. I have planted them well away from the real sweetcorn to prevent any cross pollination. Hopefully they will be ok in this wind, they looked a little bent but so far nothing has snapped so hopefully they will straighten up when it dies down.

Yesterday's worry over squash turned out to be unnecessary and all are growing very nicely indeed. They haven't started sprawling everywhere yet but I expect that overnight they will transform from nice neat little plants into great messy things trying to take over the earth. I just hope that they don't get mildew with all this warm wet weather.

My trip to the garden centre failed to procure any cabbage plugs so instead I returned with 3 packets of cabbage seed, it seems you can sow some cabbage at this time of year, some more lettuce seed, tomato food and an extensive collection of herbs. The warning about the long-term harm to aquatic creatures put me off the copper fungicide so I am going to the tried and trusted blight prevention method - cross your fingers and jump up and down on the spot 4 times whilst whistling.
Looking really good. I've planted my sweetcorn a lot closer than that...i'm loathe to dig them up and spread them out now...perhaps i'll see if you blight method works on looking after them too? ;)
hehe trust me that blight method is a sure thing ;)
My sweetcorn is quite far apart because I hadn't realised how close together you are mean to plant it so I cleared a huge area and after all that digging it was a shame to not use the space. Also I forgot the tape measure so that was a step apart which was at least something measurable. Hopefully the pollination won't be affected.
Hiya, I've just discovered your blog - love it! Hope you don't mind but I've linked you on www.ourpatchofearth.blogspot.com. Keep up the good work - the plot is looking great!
People should read this.
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