I am hopeful that the council have finished faffing around and that I am now a permanent resident on plot 19 (now re-numbered but that is a story for another day) so I have bought a shed.
The building project began back in December when I bought the flag stones and then provided my fellow plot holders with a long afternoon of entertainment as I heaved them from the car to my allotment. Once the bruises had subsided OH helped me dig over a nettle patch and we laid them in a vaguely level square.
The shed arrived and sat in the garden for oh a few weeks until my parents took pity on us and helped carry the pieces down to the allotment. A surprising number of trips later we had everything in place and just needed a cordless drill to get it together. Strangely there seems to be a unusually high demand for drills so we have to wait a week for HSS to locate one, finally, in the middle of the snow they did. One day later and the shed was standing.
So there you go a full 5 weeks to build a shed. We have actually put the roof felt on since the pic and there is a huge fat padlock which will hopefully keep my spade safe. But more importantly I have shelter from the wind and the rain so I can drink my tea in comfort. Just need to buy a chair now.
What's that behind the hedge? It looks like an enormous stack of pallets??
A very fine shed indeed. We've just put one up on our plot, so know how good it is when you get to stand inside it at last!
Rachael, that is the back of a veg packing factory and indeed they do have the worlds largest stack of pallets but sadly not available for stealing!
HappyMouffetard - I hope you enjoy your shed. It is a happy moment indeed when they thing stands up and keeps water out (well on the most part anyway)
A stellar shed, and it didn't take long at all ... we took three months to put Duncan's shed together on plot 235! May you have many happy hours in your allotment shed.
Great looking shed! :)
the one thing I dislike about our allotment site is the 'no sheds' rule... I feel I'm missing out... ;)
We got a new shed at Christmas but decided to let the people who delivered it put it up - I know we never have time to get on with jobs like this. And what is the shed home to? The greenhouse that we got last year and haven't had time to put up...
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